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Quinoa Tabbouleh


For The Salad
800 Grams Fresh Tomatoes
1 Cucumber
4 Bunches Of Fresh Parsley
1 Bunch Of Fresh Mint
1 Cup Of White Quinoa
Nezo low sodium salt

4 Tbsp Of Virgin Olive Oil
4 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1 Lemon Zest
2 Tsps Of Raw Honey
2 Garlic Cloves
Nezo Salt & Pepper


1. Rinse the quinoa & cook with 2 cups of water or as per package instructions. Add some Nezo low sodium salt to add taste to the quinoa.

2. Wash & chop the vegetables & herbs.  Add them to a salad bowl.

3. To prepare the dressing add the ingredients & top with Nezo Salt & pepper for taste.

4. Pour over the salad & serve immediately.