Salt and health


Salt, or sodium chloride, is an essential nutrient; it's one of the basic tastes we have as a human. Our body can't produce the sodium and chlorine that are in salt, yet these components are essential to keep it healthy. Salt plays a vital role in the regulation of many bodily functions and is contained in body fluids that transport oxygen and nutrients. Sodium is also essential in maintaining the body’s overall fluid balance. By adding the right pinch of salt to your meals, you'll stay healthy and your meals tasty. Use salt in moderation but also realize that an iodine deficiency could potentially affect the thyroid. For children, iodine deficiency could lead to growth retardation and reduced learning ability and with a large deficit to dwarfism. 

World wide, the salt intake is under discussion. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults consume less than 5 g (just under a teaspoon) of salt per day.

Sodium is an essential nutrient necessary for maintenance of plasma volume, acid-base balance, transmission of nerve impulses and normal cell function. Excess sodium is linked to adverse health outcomes, including increased blood pressure. More information here

Sodium is found naturally in a variety of foods, such as milk, meat and shellfish. It is often found in high amounts in processed foods such as breads, processed meat and meals and snack foods, as well as in condiments (e.g. soy source, fish source). 

For those consumers really looking for options to also reduce their own salt intake NEZO has NEZO Light in its portfolio, recognized by its green packaging. NEZO Light has reduced sodium salt by 70% and has replaced this by potassium salt.

NEZO recommends consumers to use just the right amount of salt to get the best out of the flavors of your meal.